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Pure Gold Investment, Advantages and Shortcomings


Written By kliklihat.com on Friday, August 12, 2011 | 6:21 AM

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Basically the cost of necessities of life (living cost) for goods and services increasingly rising annually, with pure gold saving means we have to protect ourselves (hedging) of various economic diseases such as deflation, stakflasi, inflation up to hyperinflasi. This is evidenced by the comparison of investment gold to investment banks, the cost of the pilgrimage, and cars. So the key to success is being able to set aside profits and invest it properly working.
The solution is in addition to investing in stocks, bonds, property (land and house), and deposits, now is the time trying to invest a portion of the profits of our work (active income) in pure gold. Buy accordance with finance, as well as your investment objectives, so as to maintain when it's not working anymore.Pure gold investment has some advantages and disadvantages.
Those advantages include:

* It is suitable as a destination purely for profit (pure profit oriented) because it does not bear the cost of making such as gold jewelry (gold jewelry)
* Very easy to exchange money (liquid)
* It is easy to be pawned at pawn shops, even the sharia-based banks such as Bank Mandiri, BNI and Bank Mega, in addition to serving the mortgage can also give them the credit of pure gold with a down payment of only 20%
* Capital for a small investment. With a weight of 1 gram of gold can be purchased already so affordable for all.
* Easy to move (portable)
* Long-lasting (durable) against extreme weather.
* Assets can be held (tangible assets)
* Very private (privacy), the person no one knows how much gold we have.
* Free value added tax (VAT) as a raw material
While weaknesses are:

* Must be saved because it does not work so can not enjoy the beauty
* The form of irregular small pieces so it is less neat (except in the form of coins)
* When sold at a loss when prices fall
* No profit pecuniary interest directly
* Risk of crime victims
* Keep storage areas (safe deposit box / SDB)
For you who are interested in gold investment tips but do not know how to multiply wealth through gold investment please see
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