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Articles Of health


Written By kliklihat.com on Saturday, August 27, 2011 | 1:40 PM

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 Articles Of health

Count Your Acids And Bases
-- Not Your Calories Or Fat – And
You’ll Lose Weight And Prevent Disease
“It is clear to me how this way of eating can totally change your life. It’s a revelation, a way of looking at the world in a new light. It affects the way we look at ourselves, and disease, and how the food we pit into our bodies affects everything we do.” -- Jane Clayson, CBS News
“In The pH Miracle, Dr. Young may have discovered the true key to long life and health. It is simple and even spiritual in its approach, and is founded on the truth your mother tried to give you: eat your vetegables! -- James Redfield, author, best-selling The Celestine Prophecy
“Perfect for women who’ve tried everything.” -- First Magazine
“Tired? Bloated? Can’t Lose Weight? A pH imbalance may be to blame! Lose 25 lbs. in 4 weeks on the revolutionary new pH Miracle Diet! Breakthrough research shows that the acidity of common foods is making us sick, tired and very fat. Restoring ideal health and reaching an ideal weight is as easy as building your meals around foods that neutralize acid.” -- Woman’s World Magazine
“Shelley Young’s recipes will help you to alkalize your body and live a healthier, more energized, and ultimately more fulfilling life.” -- Anthony Robbins, best- selling author of Awaken The Giant Within and Unlimited Power
“Filled with sensible science in an easy-to-read format, flexible guidelines, and delicious recipes…a must read.” -- Verne Varona, author of Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods
“A diet that focuses on weight-loss, fats, or calories will not necessarily lead to better health or even a slimmer body,” says Dr. Robert O. Young, an internationally respected microbiologist and innovative author of the best-selling book series, The pH Miracle.
“Instead, you must focus on how acidic your body is. The resulting diet change will inevitably lead to better weight control, and more importantly, disease-free life.”
He has appeared on CNN, Fox, CBS, and has been featured by other national media for his revolutionary and breakthrough science, believes a lot of weight problems and diseases can be done away with – without pills, surgery, or invasive therapy.
Dr. Young:
  • Reveals how weight-loss is not about fat, but acid. Forget about fat grams, carbs, cholesterol hormone levels or even calories. Reaching your ideal weight and maximum state of health is simply a matter of maintaining the delicate pH balance of your blood.
  • Offers a balanced diet and exercise plan to help you shed unhealthy pounds, energize your body, and ward off many diseases.
  • Explains how one’s body chemistry is greatly influenced by diet and shows the ramifications of being in or out of balance.
“The standard American diet could be killing you,” warns Dr. Young. That may sound like a strong statement, but the facts back it up. Oversized portions of over-processed foods have created diets loaded with calories that are deplorably lacking in the vital nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. “We are living in an epidemic of obesity and increased occurrences of diseases like diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Yet all of that can be changed by a few simple changes in our lifestyle,” says Dr. Young.
The statistics on the state of America’s health are troublesome:
  • Nearly two-thirds of adult Americans are overweight or obese. The rate of obesity has doubled in just 40 years. 1 in 9 males weigh 250+ pounds; 1 in 6 women are 200+ .
  • 45% of adult American women and 30% of adult American men—at any given time— are actually trying to lose weight.
  • 15% of American children are overweight or obese. 9 million children are overweight and another seven million are at risk—triple the numbers of just a few decades ago.
In their books, renowned nutritionist Dr. Young, and Shelley Redford Young look at three vital changes that you can make in your life. These changes in turn will give you increased health, stamina and protection from illness.
Now Robert O. Young, Ph.D, in partnership with his wife, Shelley, share their revolutionary and effective diet program for balancing your body chemistry to help you achieve incredible health.
He explains how:
  • To choose which Acidic and Alkaline foods to eat or avoid—and why.
  • To get rid of the harmful bacteria, yeast, and mold that is in your body.
  • Exercise can actually make you fat—unless you do it the right way.
  • A liquid detox cleanses your body of impurities, normalizes digestion and metabolism.
  • To make sure you drink plenty of water—but only the pure and safe kind.
  • You should ignore the fatphobes and keep plenty of healthy oils in your diet.
  • You can build lean muscle and maintain healthy bones without a lot of proteins and dairy.
  • To select, shop for, and calculate the dosage of supplements that’s ideal for your body.
Dr. Young helps you say goodbye to low energy, poor digestion, excess weight, aches, pains, and disease, and say hello to a new way of living, eating, and thinking that will bring you vigor, mental clarity, overall health, and a lean, trim body.
Dr. Young, the co-author of eight books including the best selling pH Miracle series, speaks to audiences around the world on health and wellness. He holds a degree in microbiology and nutrition. He has devoted his life to researching the causes of disease and helping people reclaim their health and well-being. He is head of the pH Miracle Research and Health Education Foundation and has gained national recognition for his research into diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and AIDS.

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