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Did You Know - The mystery behind the red and white Indonesian flag


Written By kliklihat.com on Sunday, August 14, 2011 | 11:18 AM

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joind post at Gielien.com : As we all know since the park or elementary school kanak2, that our country's flag is red and white flag (even his songs). But have we ever think or wonder? Why the Founders of this Nation chose the colors red and white? Why just plain red and white and there are no other images embel2 in the face of our flag? ..................... To know the answers to these questions, I am reminded of a speech Bung Karno, who is quite famous ... the jacket red (Do Once Forgetting History) And I soon re-open the history books, and found the answer in the era of the Majapahit Empire. Formerly Red and White Flag is also used by the largest Empire that once ruled this Southeast Asian as a very sacred flag of the Kingdom .... Red and White Flag is a beacon and unifying the archipelago padakala it .... It is said that the soldiers are required to swear allegiance Majapahit Empire to the death to protect where and whenever this is red and white flag. And according to people's beliefs Java (Javanese), Oath of the Majapahit empire soldier was continued until today. It could be said even though the soldiers Majapahit empire has long gone but his spirit (in the other world there) still haunt for Sang Saka Merah Putih protect our beloved ...... (because according to the beliefs of the ancient Javanese SWEAR that most forbidden because it binds people swear it ... and will not disappear even if we die tela ... whereas if the promise is still allowed ... because it still can be broken .... so what will become members of the MPR / DPR who swear it .... hehehehehe) So if we are waving or wearing red and white flag symbol, we will always be followed and maintained by the empire (according to the Javanese belief). And if you do not believe it .... try to look around you .... If you notice any construction of both houses, terraced or bridge gedung2 you must have seen the construction workers alias coolie, always put a red and white flag on a bamboo pole (if complete is usually accompanied with coconut and rice tied under the flag). This is intended to prevent catastrophe during the process of building construction (as protected by the soldiers majapahit). So do not be surprised if the accident was minimal, but the coolies safety procedures are usually cause for concern. If you still do not believe it .... well you can see the habits of the Java community, as they celebrate their birthday (usually in infants). A re usually made ​​of red and white pulp ... and usually are told to eat porridge (for the year to be protected and supported by the soldiers) If you still can not believe it too? you can see the north coast of Java nelayan2 want any on the south coast. They would not dare go to sea if the red-white flag not mounted (not by the police for fear ditangkep water huh? Hehehe). And why red and white? If you read about the book "how to see auras", in red and white is the color of the aura of the best ... where the ratio of red and white balance. If the two colors are balanced, then that person can produce a large energy ....... pemikiran2 Perhaps this is what underlies the Majapahit Empire and The founders of this nation chose red and white flag as a flag or Empire State ....... ( note: need diinget loh klo on Majapahit era of our ancestors .... thx apa2 make something must be imprisoned before and dapet wangsit ... Kris Ken Arok wrote Gandring Artificial MPU takes a year to be produced .... Red and White Flag didapet not recklessly .. and you will have to know how difficult the proclamations of the nation to achieve independence we have today,
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