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Showing posts with label Google Adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Adsense. Show all posts

Approve Google Adsense

Written By on Saturday, August 27, 2011 | 2:02 PM

 Approve Google Adsense

To register a google adsense account (hereinafter I will call GA) through, we must join first with this site but the emails that have not been banned by the GA. So it is best advised to create a new email at before the join with Indyarocks. Here is the preparation before signing up:

Illustrated article in English at least 2 articles and remember the picture must relate to your article and also have the original article but if you can not make the english language article which also tips from me I have been using is to look in article directories. hehehe: D
Prepare at least 10 pictures to be uploaded later.
If the preparations are complete, let's go.

Create a new account and complete pendaftaranya.
Check your email inbox which contains a confirmation link to activate your account.
Once your account is in the confirmation so now you can login.
Complete your profile by editing the profile and fill out a profile picture up formnya including the indication to reach 60% more. Important!
Upload photos that have been prepared in advance and Make album. Important!
Create a blog at Indyarocks by clicking the tab Blogs -> Write Blogs and fill with articles that had been prepared earlier. Important!
Click the Profile tab -> My profile pic and just below the photo you click on Earnings (Google AdSense).
Step 1 -6 must you do before going on because otherwise when you click the Check Eligibility then you will get a message like this "Oops. You are not eligible" but quietly sob just follow the instructions and requirements requested in the message. If it is complete, let's move on.How to Create Google Adsense Account Through

Back to the Profile tab -> My profile pic and just below the photo you click on Earnings (Google AdSense)
Click the Start Earning ago Next
In "Do you already have a google adsense account?" click No.
Enter an email address that has not been banned and click Next
Check your email inbox and open it and click the email contains a link to the charging data GA
Fill with correct your data and do not forget to tick the Yes, allow to acces my account and then click Submit Information
After that will be brought to the confirmation page of data and creation of truth through GA account, click Create Account.
Check I Accept and click submit.
After making all the steps above you have done so now just waiting for the GA team to review the request and then mengapprove account but it would be much better if while you wait, you are adding articles and photos to your account indyarocks, well to watch - watch anyway. My experience when I signed up through Indyarocks only takes one day my account was diapprove.
Hopefully with these tips on How to Easily Approve Through Google Adsense can help you to get an account in GA.
Good luck!

Google Plus One

Written By on Saturday, August 13, 2011 | 4:34 AM

What if you Install Google Plusone +1 on Blogspot , this tutorial will explain clearly to you. What exactly Google Plusone +1 , and the benefits of Google's +1 ?. Google Plusone +1 is a facility provided by Google that can be used to provide a ratting (levels) on Site or links to the article. Installing Google +1 Plusone can help your friends, contacts, and others on the web to find the The best thing when they are seeking.

How to Install Google Plusone +1 on Blogspot
What are the other Google Add Plusone +1 on Blogspot you? The benefits of installing the Google +1 Plusone could have an effect at all on the Search Engines (Search Engine) to get the best results on the basis of the success of Google +1 given by visitors to our blog (remember this is only a partial factor alone). If the result of a search in the Search engines put our article on page 1 of people likely to visit will be even greater, so that "affect the visitor traffic" on our blog. That means we've added an SEO (Search Engine Optimize) in the blog.

Okay, maybe a brief explanation of Google's Button +1 Plusone enough. because we will continue to the way Google Add Plusone +1 on Blogspot . If you notice the section on setting Conten Menu Layout installation of facilities already available Google Plusone +1 . but we will now give way Installing Google Blogspot +1 Plusone in  the form of buttons located on the Corner Left, Right, Up, and Down. Okay yes.

1. Choose the shape and size of the button Google +1 Plusone at this link.
2. Login or Login to your Blogger and go to design>> Edit HTML> * check the "expand widget templates". Later in the place the code before the code below
</ Head> or </ body>

<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </ script>

Copy and paste this code to display Google Plusone +1 according to the position you want.
<! - Key positions +1 ->
<div class='post-share-buttons' style='float:right;padding:4px;'>
<g:plusone> </ g: plusone>
</ div>

Explanation:     If you want to install the key / button on the top posts, search  <div class='post-body'> (use Ctrl + F to search for "Find" ) and paste the code just below the tag earlier.     If you want to install key / button at the bottom of the post +1, find  <div class="post-header-line-1"> (use Ctrl + F to search for "Find" ) and paste the code right on top of it     to change its position +1 could Float change by replacing the Right (right), Left (left).     in accordance with your wishes. Quite easy is not the way Google Add +1 Plusone on Blogspot. Please practice it, of praying and trying for those people who read articles and tutorials you click on the Google Plusone +1. I also do not mind and be very thankful if this article or tutorial you will have the value +1 for the upper right corner. :) "". Hopefully this information is useful to you.

by  Pintuajaib

Google Adsense Tutorial

Written By on Thursday, August 11, 2011 | 1:47 PM

Having spent years struggling with AdSense revenue on my own, I decided it was time to really go for it and learn all those AdSense secrets the pro’s know..
Of course the biggest argument is this; Do you concentrate on AdSense or affiliate marketing? You have to ask yourself the question: Why do authority web sites such as Ezinearticles rely so heavily on AdSense Revenue?
The simple answer to the above question is, you can make a lot of money with AdSense however, it is not as easy as it looks…Many folk will have you think it’s a simple process i.e. you place a piece of code on your web site or blog and your done..wait for the money to roll in…
Oh  if it were so easy!  On line marketing is still growing at an alarming rate, just look at how many big companies and even TV shows are relating to Face book and Twitter…
We must not look at short term gimmicks if we want to make serious money with AdSense…instead, we need to focus on building a long term sustainable Internet presence…you have to be in it for the long haul. This being said..we have the chance to almost set and forget sites which are monetised with Goggles AdSense…
OK, we know it works but, we are not 100% certain how to set things up for steady growth and reliable income streams…I was like you, kind of swimming around in an ocean of money though, I couldn’t get my hands on until…
I took a conscious decision to build a system purely for AdSense income…what was my next step… well, I looked for an expert, much in the same way you need a mechanic to fix your car or a specialist repairer to fix your TV…
Subsequently, I got hold of several ebooks on AdSense and started to study, I then bought some  AdSense ready templates however, simply put, I got it totally wrong…some of those sites only make 10 cents a day…hardly paying for the hosting costs…
Then my luck changed, I found a guy who had been setting up AdSense sites since it started some 10 years ago. Immediately did a search for product reviews, this lead me to the Warrior Forum where I found several marketers who had bought this particular AdSense Tutorial
The course is called The Adsense $100k Blueprint and you will read the real life story of how he and how you can achieve this type of income..without the hype. How he went on to show his family members the same system, how they too became financially independent…
Now, you could ask yourself this simple question ” Why share such a golden opportunity with the world” The answer is quite simple…There are so many niche opportunities that you will never run out of ideas or saturate the market. You can learn all of these in the blueprint.

 web/blog news : Gielien

Google Adsense

Written By on Monday, August 8, 2011 | 9:56 AM

Bloggers who have Google AdSense units set to display in their blogs often complained about missing AdSense units. I will use this blog to explain.

I have set the following AdSense units to display in this blog with the number of AdSense units in bracket):

  1. wide skyscraper unit in the left column (1 unit)
  2. leaderboard unit in the footer (1 unit)
  3. large rectangle in between posts (6 in the main page but only 1 in the individual post page)
Note: There should be 6 ad units in the main page or homepage) because I have set the number of posts to display in the main page to be 7 (the default).

Now in you count the total number of ad units, you will get a total of 8 ad units (1+1+6) in the main page but only 3 in the individual post page (permalink).

Google AdSense only allows a total of 3 AdSense ad units in any page and so in the main page, the extra 5 ad units get suppressed and you only see 1 wide skyscraper unit in the left column, 1 between the first and second post and 1 between the second and third post giving a total of three.

However, in the individual post page (permalink), there is only 1 ad unit immediately after the only post, 1 in the left sidebar and 1 in the footer giving a total of 3 (allowed) units with none suppressed.

Now if you have set AdSense units to display between posts and you don't want any ad units to be suppressed and you have similar settings for the AdSense units, all you need to do is to set the number of posts to display in the main page to 1 and only 1.
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